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We've got answers.

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What is Zumper?

Zumper is a digital marketplace for renters and property managers. For renters, we deliver best-in-class search across our website and mobile apps, with the most comprehensive database of active rental listings in the U.S. For property managers, we offer marketing solutions to efficiently fill vacancies with quality renters. Learn more about our mission to make renting a home as easy as booking a hotel.

Who owns Zumper?

Zumper is the largest privately owned rental platform in North America and has raised $180 million from investors that include Kleiner Perkins, Goodwater Capital, Headline, Dawn Capital, and the Blackstone Group.

Do I need to pay to use Zumper?

Renters can use our platform to browse or contact properties for free. Zumper will not ask you for money to view or communicate with rental properties listed on our site. Property owners and managers should visit our Advertise page for more information about potential costs for advertising their property on Zumper.

How does Zumper make sure that I'm not seeing scams?

We take your security seriously. We carefully review properties listed on our site to ensure we're offering you a secure experience. Look for the "verified" tag on listings—these are properties we have confirmed are posted by real people with real apartments available for rent. Be cautious when providing personal or financial information, or making payments to someone you don't know. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with common scams and red flags, and if you see something suspicious, please contact us at

How do you post a listing to Zumper?

Visit our Advertise page. Whether you're a property owner, manager, or broker, we'll send you to the right place to get you started.

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